საერთაშორისო არბიტრაჟის შედარებით-სამართლებრივი ანალიზი, რომელიც წარმოაჩენს გარკვეულ გამოწვევებს და პრობლემათა კვლევის რელევანტურობას.
The aim of this guide is to provide its readers with a pragmatic overview of the law and practice of international arbitration across a variety of jurisdictions. The level of uniformity in this area is a topic in itself as international arbitration continues to straddle the well-ingrained legal cultures of the globe. Each chapter of this guide provides information about the current issues affecting international arbitration in a particular country and addresses topics such as the legal requirements of a valid arbitration agreement, the authority and obligations of arbitrators, the governing law and procedure, preliminary and interim relief, the rules of evidence and the enforcement of arbitral awards.
The purpose of the research was to identify the actual problems and to find ways to solve them, giving consideration to the European experience. Despite the amendments, no legal and/or economic analysis of these changes and their consequences has been carried out, what influence they had on regular business practice and what were the main outcomes. The research focused to find answers to these questions.